---- Hi all! Here are some videos done on my setup http://pierre.theillere.free.fr/cockpit.html In case you encounter some playback problems, here are some codecs that run fine (for PCs on Windows 98, 2000 or XP) : http://www.hoppie.nl/videos/SLDcodecpack1.5.3.exe ---- First, approaching Kathmandou (VNKT) rwy 02 under light cumulus... with severe crosswinds. Video is here: www.hoppie.nl/videos/VNKT_app.AVI (91 Mbytes) Second, approaching Honolulu (PHNL) rwy 26L with the challenging LDA approach, a bit like the "Kaï Tak" IGS rwy 13 (airport VHHH has been closed for several years now) here: http://ps13.lhnet.org/PHNL_app.AVI (80 MBytes) ---- Now, some more sound and more "standard" manoeuvers... First one: final approach at early morning at Tenerife-South GCTS - around 40 Mbytes. The film: http://ps13.lhnet.org/GCTS_app.AVI Some analysis: http://ps13.lhnet.org/GCTS_Events.txt And some graphic tracks: http://ps13.lhnet.org/GCTS_app-profile.JPG and http://ps13.lhnet.org/GCTS_app-track.JPG Second one: sunrise training pattern at Las Vegas KLAS - 150 Mbytes. The film: http://ps13.lhnet.org/KLAS_pattern.AVI Approach profile: http://ps13.lhnet.org/KLAS_app-profile.JPG Just try to sort out which track it is: http://ps13.lhnet.org/KLAS_patterns_track.JPG ----- Want some "online" recordings? Here they come! Here are some videos recorded "live" on VatSim on Nov 10th, while following WorldFlight 2005 on the legs across Europe on GQNN - LPMA - LEBL - EHAM. First, approaohing Funchal LPMA rwy 05. please note the "go around" was initiated by TWR (i.e. not a "pilot" iniiated missed approach: quite imprssive! You'll also note some problems due to wrong altimeter setting... SimWX source and ATC's QNH info were contradictory, 1032 hPa vs 1015. Also have a look at the small apron, full of aircrafts, many Qantas B744s! Note also I vacated via "grass taxiway" to help "overloaded" ATC and prevent the aircaft behind from a "go around"! Last, notice the Qantas B744 pushing back near the end of film: amazing! So it's here: http://ps13.lhnet.org/LPMA_app.AVI (291 Mbytes) Approach profile is here: http://ps13.lhnet.org/LPMA_app-profile.JPG Second, departing LPMA rwy 05 on DEGUN 1N departure. The aircraft holding short is KNT544: http://ps13.lhnet.org/LPMA_dep.AVI (31 MBytes) Third, approaching Barcelona LEBL rwy 07L, under radar vctoring for ILS, AT had to lengthen our track as we happened to be far too much high on approach at 50NM! Apron quite busy or there... so vacated via High Speed exit. It's here: http://ps13.lhnet.org/LEBL_app.AVI (185 MBytes) Approach profile is here: http://ps13.lhnet.org/LEBL_app-profile.JPG And last, departing Barcelona LEBL rwy 07L, holding short S14, and lining-up to depart via OKABI 4B departure (in fact there's a new one OKABI 5B, only issued 15 days before!) and climbing in cumulus clouds, here: http://ps13.lhnet.org/LEBL_dep.AVI (53 MBytes) Apologizes for huge size, and for "unsmooth" flying sometimes (and the alerts... plus rushing INTO the building at LPMA!), it was recorded "live" online on VatSim during WorldFlight 2005 with full ATC coverage (priorities are aviating, navigating, comunicating... then recording!), flying alone in the flight deck! ---- Here are 2 (huge) videos of the flight EHAM - LOWI. * First one is the taxi-out (stand F7, via A, B and N2), takeoff rwy 18L and climbout via ARNEM 2F departure from Amsterdam EHAM, fully handflown till FL290. Video ends near Germinhausen, the "well known" GMH VOR near Cologne EDDK... Stevens' homebase! So it's here: http://ps13.lhnet.org/EHAM_dep.AVI (347 MBytes) * Second video starts near München (the other STV base!), FL390 over MUN VOR, just prior to top of descent. After autopilot (the "George", as Canadian call it!) has trimmed the airplane, we're taking manual control, switching off autothrottle... and here we're "go" handflying the bird on TULSI 3A arrival into LOC rwy 26 Innsbrück LOWI. Note the AUTBORAKES 4 setting, as rwy is only 2000m long at LOWI.. It's here: http://ps13.lhnet.org/LOWI_app.AVI (341 MBytes) Enjoy the nice cloud crossings ---- * How about departing LOWI with a light B744? End of backtracking rwy 26 and departing via RTT 1H SID with the initial visual climbout and sharp left turn. Quite freezing (OAT -5°C), had to use WAI and NAI... and still some light cuulus over there in the morning light! http://ps13.lhnet.org/LOWI_dep.AVI (154 MBytes) Departure track is here: http://ps13.lhnet.org/LOWI_dep-track.JPG and profile http://ps13.lhnet.org/LOWI_dep-profile.JPG * Now, a more usual arrival, for Stevens pilots... GMH 3V into ILS rwy 14L at Cologne... in heavy haze! http://ps13.lhnet.org/EDDK_APP.AVI (465 MBytes) Approach profile is here: http://ps13.lhnet.org/EDDK_app-profile.JPG ---- Here no video but just approach profile at Shanghaï after a 11 hours flight from EDDK: http://ps13.lhnet.org/ZSPD_app-profile.JPG ---- Mexico is a very challengin airport far approaches, due to very high terrain all around, high altitude (field at 7700ft!) and nearly all the time some strange haze... probably mostly due to pollution. The hardest" arrival called ILS DME-1 rwy 05R, final is only 5 NM long... over the town after a sharp right turn! I recorded a film during a STV real-time event on VatSim. So.. it's here http://ps13.lhnet.org/MMMX_app.AVI (197 MBytes) For a complete flight report, please have a look at Stevens Forum on http://www.sevens-va.de, on "forum", "general" then " sevens events" sction, or on D-ASSH reports of flightLine on http://www.hoppie.nl. Here are more detailed ata for analysis and playback: * Departure from München via GIVMI 3Q rwy 08L: - FDR file: http://pierre.theillere.free.fr/eddm.fdr - dep track: http://pierre.theillere.free.fr/EDDM_dep-track.JPG - dep profile: http://pierre.theillere.free.fr/EDDM_dep-profile.JPG * Arrival into Mexico via ILS DME-1 rwy 05R - FDR file: http://pierre.theillere.free.fr/mmmx.fdr - Approach track: http://pierre.theillere.free.fr/MMMX_app-track.JPG - Approach track: http://pierre.theillere.free.fr/MMMX_app-profile.JPG ---- How about some helo (Eurocopter 120) flying near Paris, with X-Plane 8.20? http://ps13.lhnet.org/EC120_X-Plane.AVI (297 MBytes)