Paris Lectures in Japanese Linguistics

ed. by André WLODARCZYK
Kurosio Shuppan, Tokyo 2005, pp. 223
Japanese – An International Language  (André WLODARCZYK)

Japanese Language in General Linguistics

Japanese as Seen from Outside and from Inside (Yoshihiko IKEGAMI)

From Japanese to General Linguistics - starting with the wa and ga particles (André WLODARCZYK)

From Rodriguez to Computational Linguistics – Japanese in European Linguistics (Viktoria ESCHBACH-SZABO)

Will Cognitive Change Cause GA to O Change In Constructions Of GA/O Alternation? (Seiichi MAKINO)

Between Grammaticalization and Drift (Lone TAKEUCHI)

Language Teaching Methodology

Integration of Language and Culture (Hideo HOSOKAWA)

Computational Approaches

A Multi-modal Approach to Lexical Semantics (Naoyuki OKADA)

An Entity-Based Linguistic Framework: the Case of Japanese Syntax (Zoya M.SHALYAPINA)

Information Reception and Dispatch using Internet Machine Translation Systems (YOKOYAMA Shoichi)